Help - HorizCurve

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HorizCurve is a graphical object that represents a sequence of conntected points which have a strictly increasing x-coordinate. Note that the coordonates are floating point values. Therefore a curve could have several points that would be rounded to the same pixel in the source graphic coordinate system.

The position of this object can be specified by drawing it with the mouse as a multi point object (see Drawing graphical objects for details). Alternatively you could also select one of the containing points and draw it sepeately. In this case you have to make shure to maintain the order on x-values, which will not be tested by the application but might lead to problems in the processing of this curve. Therefore this method is generally not recommended.


PointSet → HorizCurve


Point[] points

Inherited from PointSet.


Decimal count()

Inherited from PointSet.

Decimal minX()

Inherited from PointSet.

Decimal maxX()

Inherited from PointSet.

Decimal minY()

Inherited from PointSet.

Decimal maxY()

Inherited from PointSet.

Point centerPoint()

Inherited from PointSet.

Decimal length()


The length of this curve.

Point pointAt(Decimal lengthPercentage)


  • Decimal lengthPercentage - the percentage of the length of the whole curve (between 0.0 and 1.0)


the first point of the curve that is located behind or at the given position (Only points that are part of the curve are returned. No averaging between neighboring points is performed. Note that using this method makes only sence if the curve consists of enough points.)

Decimal yToX(Decimal x)


  • Decimal x - a x coodinate between the minimal and maximal x of the curve


the x coordinate the curve has at the given x position.

Descendant objects of HorizCurve


See also