GraphicMeasurer was created by Ben Stöver at the
group of Prof. Bleckmann (Institute for Zoology,
University of Bonn). Although it is currently used several working groups, it is still under
development and not publicly available, but will be released under GNU General Public License in the future. If you are interested in using
GraphicMeasurer or want to take part in its development please send an e-mail to
Ben Stöver
Friesenring 69
48147 Münster
Phone: +49 228 73 2681
The background image of this website is in part based on works licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. Therefore the background image itself is published under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License as well. The following section lists the works this image was partly based on. You can follow the links to get further information about their authors.
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