Help - Graphical object

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Graphical objects are the main data structure in GraphicMeasurer analysis files and can have different forms from simple points over polygons to coordinate systems. They can be drawn with the mouse (see Drawing graphical objects). There is a difference between a graphical object and a global object. Where global objects can be inserted into graphic analyses directly and be used as parameters for analysis sequence steps graphical objects represent concrete instances of points, lines etc. which can be part of a global object or be subobjects of other graphical objects.

Each graphical object is defined by its properties. The object Point e.g. has the properties x and y which are numeric values which describe the x- and the y-coordinate of the point. Besides numeric and string values they can also contain other graphical objects whereas the object Line contains two Point-objects (start and end).

The properties of graphical objects can also be accessed from result sheets using the result sheet language. Additionally graphical objects can have methods for the result sheet language which allow you to calculate certain data from the properties of the graphical object and specified parameters. The Line-object has e.g. the method angleTo which takes another line as a parameter and returns the angle between the two lines.

See also